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  • Name: Nouha Zaabab

    Recipient Year: 2018|2019

    Major: Law

    Description: Nouha Zaabab is a first year student at Vanderbilt Law School and recent graduate from Georgia Tech. Coming from a liberal arts background at a STEM institute, Nouha believes in the importance of interdisciplinary understanding in order to tackle global challenges and hopes to explore the intersection of law with other fields. Passionate about community and youth empowerment, Nouha has interned with the Ronald Reagan Presidential Foundation and Institute, working on education and leadership development, the Georgia Muslim Voter Project, working on community voter engagement, and the Islamic Speakers Bureau of Atlanta, working on project management.

    School Name: Vanderbilt Law School

    Sponsor: Afzal Family Foundation|Makhraj Endowment Fund Scholarship

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nouhazaabab/