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  • Name: Luqmaan Bokhary

    Recipient Year: 2019

    Congressional Office: Sen. Dianne Feinstein (CA)

    Description: Luqmaan is majoring in Political Science and South Asian Studies. He’s on the Executive Board of the Brown MSA and is a Minority Peer Counselor, a social justice-focused residential assistant for first-year students of color. He advocates for the Muslim community, by directly speaking to the heads departments on campus, presenting campus-wide workshops on the exclusion of Muslims in the Asian-American community. Luqmaan wants to attend law school after graduation and work in public service law and/or legal academia. Outside of school, Luqmaan enjoys learning languages, writing poetry, photography, and drinking tea with friends.

    Sponsor: CLDP

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/luqmaanbokhary/