Name: Masih Ali Fouladi
Recipient Year: 2013
Major: Public Interest Law
Description: Masih Ali Fouladi is a third year law student at UC Davis School of Law. He earned a double major in Economics and Cognitive Psychology at the University of California, Irvine and has worked as an associate at the law firm of Orrick Herrington and Sutcliffe, the Los Angeles City Attorney’s office, and the Los Angeles CAIR chapter. He is an Islamic Scholarship Fund recipient, the President of the UC Davis Muslim Law Student Association, a diversity fellow of the Sacramento County Bar Association, and a board member on two Campus wide committees dedicated to promoting diversity and affordable education at UC Davis. He is currently pursuing opportunities in Civil Rights, Local Government and Employment law. UPDATE Masih works for CAIR-LA as an Advocacy Manager.
School Name: UC Davis School of Law
Sponsor: Muslim Community Center (MCC) of the East Bay
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