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  • Name: Azka Fayyaz

    Recipient Year: 2015

    Major: History, Middle East and South Asia Studies

    Description: Azka Fayyaz is a fourth-year at the University of California, Davis double majoring in History and Middle East & South Asia Studies.Moreover, she has been an active leader for many communities during her last three years at UC Davis. Some of these roles have included serving as an ASUCD Senator, Logistics Chair for the Muslim Student Association, West Conference and serving as a liaison between the Middle Eastern, Muslim and South Asian communities and senior administration to advocate for their concerns. Her success in these roles is community driven and she is grateful for the mentorship she has received especially from alumni, staff and faculty in the Middle East, Muslim and South Asian communities. Over this past year, she has actively been conducting research in the Dr. Suad Joseph Lab where she focuses on U.S. Media representation by doing content analysis of the New York Times. 

    School Name: UC Davis

    Sponsor: ISF

    LinkedIn Profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/azka-fayyaz-901a52103/