Our Cycle of Support
ISF's Cycle of Support begins by awarding scholarships to accomplished undergraduate students and graduate-level scholars pursuing master's, PhDs, or law degrees. From there, we offer prestigious internships and 官方开奖号码结果计划-极速168赛车开奖计划开奖计划 fellowships, accompanied by peer-to-peer mentorship support and networking opportunities. Our Cycle of Support and incubator model has yielded tremendous results over the past 12 years.
Our Mission
ISF increases American Muslim representation in media and government to improve public policy and public opinion. We believe that the interests of our community can only be protected if we have a seat at the table.
Total Awards$0
MillionTotal Awarded
Applications ProcessedOur Impact
The Islamic Scholarship Fund empowers 168开奖官方开奖开奖官网计划 极速赛车2024开奖直播记录视频查询开奖记录 Muslim leaders in policy, law, media, and film to create a world where race, religion, and culture are no longer barriers to equity and equality. ISF scholars are agents of change at the epicenters of institutions that impact public opinion and policy.
To learn more, watch our Impact Video below, and/or visit our Impact Page.
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Support the next generation of American Muslim changemakers. Explore ways to give, get involved, or apply to our programs.
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